News Updates

Photo by Luz Quiñones
Call for Abstracts XII
The ICMB XII Scientific Steering Committee invites the submission of abstracts for oral presentations and posters reporting new science and approaches across the field of marine bioinvasions. Our conference program will be organized around eight core themes. Presentation of work aligning with our themes is encouraged, and we also welcome submissions on other topics.
Abstracts are due by February 16, 2025 for travel award applications and April 15, 2025 for the remaining. Learn more, and submit here.
Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected based on the quality and rigor of the abstract and the novelty of the work. If an abstract is accepted, at least one co-author will be expected to register for and attend the conference to present the work.
Student or Early-Career Scientist?
If you are a current student or early-career scientist (highest degree received within the past 3 years), we strongly encourage you to apply for a Travel Award to help cover your conference fees and travel costs. The deadline for Travel Award Applications and people that need a letter verifying acceptance of their abstract in order to obtain a visa is February 16, 2025.
To apply for a Travel Award, please submit your application materials along with your abstract.
Learn more about eligibility and application requirements on our Travel Award page.
An e-book of accepted abstracts will be published on the ICMB website.
In addition, we are happy to announce that the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Species (INVASIVESNET) has agreed to publish two special issues in INVASIVESNET journals to highlight research presented at ICMB XII.
Learn more about this excellent publication opportunity.
ICMB XII: Dates and Venue Confirmed
The next International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions is confirmed for 7th–9th October, 2025! The conference will take place in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal at the lovely Hotel VidaMar.
There will also be a field trip planned for Monday, 6th October, so do consider coming the weekend before to explore the island, relax by the ocean, and join the field trip before diving into 3 days of discussions, workshops and networking with the world’s leading researchers in marine bioinvasions!
All are welcome to attend (almost!*) and more info will be coming soon. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know!
* We kindly ask that you leave your native marine species at home… 😉
ICMB XII Announced: 2025 in Madeira
The Society for the Study of Marine Bioinvasions is pleased to announce that the next International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (ICMB XII) will be held in 2025 in Madeira, hosted by MARE–Madeira.
Local Organizing Committee chair Dr. João Canning-Clode and his team at MARE are very excited about the event and say they will do everything they can to host an unforgettable meeting. To stay up to date on announcements about the next ICMB meeting, be sure to sign up for our mailing list.
We hope to see you in Madeira in 2025!